Linklink Bertiana Lovely 210923
Okay, time to write about my .. Okay, time to write about my visit with the endo yesterday, and I can’t say I was too impressed with her even though she did acknowledge that my personal normal could be higher than the standard range and that yes, the medication can cause anxiety. She said she didn’t think the cholecystectomy was involved and that she thought it was a matter of inconsistent dosing because Levothyroxine is an off-brand despite the fact that medication sold in the US must be regulated. In other words, if I was getting blanks or at least partial blanks, you would think they would have picked up on that. But she said that with the off-brand, you never know how consistent it is or what country it was made in, etc. Then she told us to contact a pharmacy (all the way in Lakeland) to get Synthroid which is the name brand and that they would work with our insurance company. However, when we went to the site, we found that Synthroid is the only thing they sold and they would...